I’m taking a little break from writing for a few weeks to do some traveling, visit with family, spend some time with friends, and to recharge my creative batteries. Paul and I are looking forward to 2023 and sharing more of our experiences, challenges, and adventures with you on Our Portugal Journey. My first post for the New Year will arrive in your email inbox on January 5, 2023. In the meantime, I’ve selected some content for you from some of my favorite fellow writers and vloggers whose work I respect. I hope you’ll enjoy the work of these talented people during my break.
Guest Video this Week.
This week I have selected a video from Miguel, a vlogger with a YouTube channel titled, POV Tours. Paul and I have enjoyed Miguel’s videos for a few years now – while we were planning our move to Portugal and even now that we live here, we always take a look at his video library to see if he has one on an area we want to explore. It’s a great way to help with planning a trip to specific areas in Portugal.
What I like about the POV Tours videos is that they’re informative, colorful, and always with interesting, factual background information.
See Christmas Lights in Sintra from Miguel at POV Tours
P.S. – If you have questions about moving to or living in Portugal, click on the Get in Touch tab on my website to get in touch with me as I’ll be checking emails regularly and will be happy to hear from you.
And, if you want to keep up with what Paul and I are doing during our break, follow Our Portugal Journey on Instagram.
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Until next time…