Nov 6, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Thanks for sharing what you've been through and I'm so sorry. I'm so glad you have wonderful support and sending you a big hug.

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Thanks, Kim for your kind words. I'll take the hug - muito obrigada! - CW

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Dear Carol,

I'm truly sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

Losing a loved one is never easy, and I can only imagine the pain you're going through. During this difficult time, please know that my thoughts and sympathy are with you and your family.

Take all the time you need to grieve and heal. We're here to support you, and your father's memory will live on in the love and memories you hold.

With deepest sympathy,


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Armin - thank you for your kind words and condolences. Every day gets a little better and I'm very grateful for the support of my family, friends and my loyal subscribers. - CW

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog. Sending comforting prayers your way. 🙏

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Thank you, Maury for your comment. I so appreciate it! - CW

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

I am so sorry about your father's passing and the summer you had. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I hope you keep on writing.

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Debbie - thank you for your comment. The writing "mojo" is starting to come back. Paul says I have to continue writing because through the blog, we get to meet so many interesting people! - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Be patient with yourself, Carol! I don’t care how old you are, losing a parent is always hard and complicated. Glad to see you writing again and looking forward to checking out your video later today 🙂

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Thank you for your comment. Coming from a fellow writer, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement and support! - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Thank you, Carol, for all of your writing, especially now as you live through your grief and make your own life count as a well-lived adventure. Leaving my 88-year-old mom behind is probably the hardest part for me as my wife and I prepare for our immigration to Portugal (visa application submitted, target arrival date: Jan. 15, 2024, in Tavira). My dad passed in 2020. Sadly, like too many queer couples, we "lost" Sally's family years ago (we learned of her father's passing from a web search when my father was dying--the family never told us that he had died a few months prior). An important reminder to treasure the family we have, and the family we make!

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Thanks for your comment, Abbie. I know how difficult it can be to leave an elderly parent. In my father's case, he always encouraged me to do what was best for me - I know I was fortunate. How sad that Sally's family is lost to you both. It's their loss, as you've chosen to move forward and make your own family. Part of the journey, I think, is to experience new adventures and embrace the differences that make up the fabric of life. It's an enriching experience that sadly, some people never fully comprehend.

Wishing you happiness and fabulous adventures on your own Portugal journey! - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

You are entirely welcome of course. Thanks for the kind wishes for making our way home. We are now on the Commuter Rail heading toward Providence where a kind neighbor will collect us and take us home. It was a great trip but with flight cancellations and rebooking we have had no sleep in nearly 48 hours and still have to collect Declan from Bristol. My bed sounds like heaven!

I will continue to send kind thoughts to you as I do remember my own situation only too well! Best wishes!

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

I'm so sorry for your loss. Good video. We love Vietnamese food so we will have to try Tre Bambu the next time we are in Lisboa. Keep writing.

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Thanks for your comment, Greg. I appreciate it. Paul and I will definitely go back to Tre Bambu - it was great! - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Carol: Sad about losing your father. We fell in love with Portugal when we were there a few months ago and both truly enjoy reading your blog. We encourage you to keep writing. Two votes from our house.

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Max - thanks for your kind comments. I appreciate the votes! - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

I'm so sorry for your loss and all of the associated stress and drama. I'm glad that you have a circle of friends and Paul to provide you with comfort and support. I wish you all the peace and healing possible. I am grateful for your posts and videos and want you to know that I appreciate you and your writing. I look forward to future installments.

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Julie, thank you for your kind comments. I appreciate your continued interest in my posts and videos. - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

My condolences for your loss. I hope you will be kind to yourself and allow yourself time to rest, grieve, and find peace.

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Thanks for your comment, Jen. I'm taking it a day at a time, but feeling much better! - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

So sorry on the loss of your dad. Condolences to you and Paul. This was a fun post, keep on writing!

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Thank you, Gillian for your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the video! - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

I, too, am a fellow "old orphan" (2001 and 2018, Dad and Mom, respectively) and a third generation Army brat with most relatives in Arlington. It was my Mother who received the flag, stars up and the sense of finality was acute. (I am selecting my ashes go up in fireworks to "Spirits in the Sky.) I discovered only months and even years later that some memory, would, in a perfect way and in perfect timing, trigger those withheld tears I had not shed at the time. We "had to be strong"at the funerals but supressed emotion will "out", somehow, someway. Oh ... I am in Coimbra. Aug/2023

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Catherine - thanks for your comment. I like the "Spirits in the Sky" thought. The military flag ceremony for me, I think was the hardest part of the whole thing. My brother, who did the most for my dad, received the flag and it was much deserved. Hope you're enjoying Coimbra - it's one of our favorite cities. - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Carol, thank you for sharing, life does keep moving and we are along for the ride. My wife and I appreciate your writing and words. Take care of yourself. Mike

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Mike - thanks for your comments. Paul and I often say, when we're long gone from this world, that we want the sentiment, "What a Ride!" inscribed on our gravestones. Life is quite a journey for sure. I appreciate your continued interest in my writing - thank you! - CW

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Lisboa Cantat - if you like classical music, you can hear Mozart's Requiem (their next performances) for FREE.

Check here: http://www.lisboacantat.com/index.php/grupos-cantat/cslc/agenda-cslc

>>> Requiem de Mozart em Lisboa - Entrada Livre

- Dias 2 e 3 de Novembro 2023 às 21h e 21h30

Aula Magna e na Basílica da Estrela;

- Dias 4 e 12 de Novembro 2023 às 17h e às 16h30

Igrejas de São Jorge de Arroios e São Vicente de Fora.

(Carol Ann, you are free to remove this post now or after the dates of these concerts. And thank you for writing and sharing your thoughts and experiences with us.)

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Thank you, Marta for all the great information! - CW

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Carol, sympathies on the loss of your dad. How blessed you were to have him until age 96. My calculator tells me your dad would have been born 1927ish -- my own dad was born in 1929, but passed much earlier, in 1992. Anyway-- condolences. Also, I love your blog even though I rarely *cough* never -- comment. I enjoy your thoughtful ruminations & also sharing your visits various places. Thank you so much for all your hard work writing for us 💕

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Thanks, SC for your comment. Yes my dad was born in 1927. My mother passed much earlier as well, in 1992. I appreciate your continued interest in my blog and for your encouraging words! - CW

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