Jul 17, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Great article and understanding that not everyone learns the same way. Language has always been hard for me. I think my scientific side doesn't always make language easy.

I applauded your thinking if you are going to live there knowing the language should be a goal.

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Wow, Carol your every article is so much fun to read - engaging, informative and insightful. You nicely weaved the interview with Jessica Sintra, which provides great tips. We share the same sentiment that in our new "home country", every expat has to make efforts to speak at least basic Portuguese. It will help us integrate into the society.

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Thanks for your comment, Sameer. I do appreciate it!


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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Hi Carol. Thanks for your article. My wife and I moved to Porto from Kuala Lumpur 2 weeks ago. We learnt Portuguese first on Duolingo for 7 months in 2020 not knowing that it was Brazilian Portuguese. Then we switch to Memrise. It teaches us the basic vocab and pronounciation. They really help us during our first 2 weeks here as we don't feel totally alien to the new language shown in all the supermarket items. Mind you, we spent 2-3 times longer in a supermarket or pharmacy compare to home not wanting to buy the wrong items. I agree with you that we both want to learn the new language because we want to build meaningful and authentic relationship with the locals here. We want to belong in our new home. Thanks for writing.

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Thanks for your comments, Kevin and welcome to Portugal! We've been living in Portugal for nearly a year, and we still spend a lot of time in supermarkets and pharmacies. My post next week is about shopping online for groceries in Portugal. It actually helps with learning Portuguese but in the comfort of my home office. Thanks again for taking the time to comment on my post. - Carol.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Another great article, Carol! I especially like -- and commend you for -- your all-inclusive attitude (rather than all or nothing). We've published a number of learning-the-language related stories in Portugal Living Magazine ... but nothing from this perspective. Would you like us to publish it in an upcoming issue? Your "Experiences with UPakWeShip" story will be in our next (Autumn) issue, available next month! /bruce

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Thanks for your kind words, Bruce - I appreciate your support! If you think the article will be useful to your readers, then yes, of course I'd be honored to have it published in an upcoming issue of your magazine.

Looking forward to your Autumn issue - I plan to buy print copies on Amazon as well! - Carol.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Hi Carol,

I enjoyed your reflections on learning Portuguese ! My husband and I have played around with several methods — duolingo (the free version — I like it, my husband not so much. We’ve bought several phrase books with phrases also spelled out phonetically. I liked the Lonely Planet one the best, but the Dorling Kindersley one came with a CD we listen to in the car (sometimes!)

We’re coming for 3 weeks in October — our first visit, although my husband’s grandfather was born in Melo, Portugal, in the Guarda district. We’re spending 3 hours a day for the first week in a beginner’s Portuguese language class. We’re excited about this! I hope it will be a great introduction to Portuguese culture as well as language. Class size is no more than 6, and it’s through Lisbon Language Cafe.

I agree with you that you should speak (or be learning!) the language of the country where you live.

Thanks again for another thought-provoking post!

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Marcia - thanks for your comment. Interesting that your husband's grandfather was born in Melo in the Guarda district. My maternal grandmother was born in Eiro which is close to Guarda. It's a place Paul & I plan to visit sometime next year as I'm trying to piece together my Portuguese heritage.

Thanks for telling me about your language learning experiences. Let me know how that works for you.

Enjoy your visit to Portugal! If I can help with any suggestions or point you in the right direction for resources, feel free to reach out anytime. My email is in the 'About' tab of this website. - Carol.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Thank you so much, Carol! I appreciate your offer of assistance.

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