Just wanted to say bravo on an excellent article which sums up everything I've been through ever since I was born! Sent away at the tender age of 6 to a revolting boarding school, I never stopped after that. Left Africa on a one way ticket at 20years old and never stopped going on. Having now lived in 8 different countries (apart from the ones I've travelled to) I've gone through all that you described. Guess where I am now? Portugal!
Well done, Carol. Happy Thanksgiving! Tricia
Love your posts- all of them! So grateful we connected! I ALWAYS look forward to hearing from you! All the best to you and Paul always!
Just wanted to say bravo on an excellent article which sums up everything I've been through ever since I was born! Sent away at the tender age of 6 to a revolting boarding school, I never stopped after that. Left Africa on a one way ticket at 20years old and never stopped going on. Having now lived in 8 different countries (apart from the ones I've travelled to) I've gone through all that you described. Guess where I am now? Portugal!