Sounds like a lovely trip. The mini car is adorable, glad the rain ended and you could finish your tour!

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What a wonderful post! We were traveling right along with you on your little Lisbon holiday. Wish it was for real! Best to you both for this holiday season. Merry Christmas! Bonnie and Michael

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That pastry counter in Time Out has the most divine confections. I still think about an eclair I got during our last visit.

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Thanks for your comment, Jen. I was thankful that I wasn't hungry at the time I passed by the eclairs - that and cheesecake are my downfalls! - CW

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Frankly, they're expensive -- I'm sure it's tourist pricing -- but just so darn delicious.

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Looks wonderful especially the ride in the little red car and the beautiful Christmas decorations! Merry Christmas to you both! And best wishes for a wonderful New Year!

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