Hello Michael,

Thanks for your comment. I’m not an expert on this but here is a high-level overview regarding your question. Note that an immigration relocation professional will be better qualified to answer this.

There are two steps to this process.

Step 1 - When you apply for a D7 Visa and have been approved, you will receive a visa stamp in your passport which gives you permission to move to Portugal. You have 120 days from the visa stamp validity date to convert this visa into a residence permit. The resident permit happens when you’re living in Portugal, and you have an appointment with SEF (Portuguese Homeland Security) – see Step 2.

As part of the D7 application process, you must prove that you have medical/travel insurance per applicant that meets the Schengen Area requirements which includes:

Minimum coverage for at least €30,000 in medical expenses.

It should cover all member states of the Schengen Area. Portugal should be highlighted in the policy as a covered state.

The policy should cover any expenses which might arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons.

If you already have an insurance policy that covers these requirements, be prepared to provide proof of insurance at the time of your application for a D7 Visa.

Step 2 – Once you have moved to Portugal, you will have an appointment with SEF to finalize your residency permit which is valid for 2 years and renewable thereafter. Before that appointment, you are required to secure private health insurance. This is different than the temporary travel/medical insurance required at the time you applied for the D7 Visa.

The basis of this requirement is that Portugal does not want foreign residents to obtain a Visa for the sole purpose of access to free or inexpensive public health care as it would tax an already overburdened public health system and be unfair to the citizens who have paid into the system through taxes and social security.

I did reach out to someone that has health insurance coverage because of a military career in the United States. I was told that she did purchase private health insurance but is unsure it is necessary.

I hope this helps! - CW

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I am currently a civilian employee of the U.S. federal government. If I move to Portugal on a D7 visa, I will still be covered by my current health insurance plan, which I get to keep as a federal retiree. Does anyone know whether Portugal will accept that as proof of insurance, or do I still have to buy an insurance policy through a private company?

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