Wow. One of the best true-life stories I have read. Some luck, but a good decision by Paul to leave the vial alone and contact the bombeiros. I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for sharing

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Great story, well told! Yes I believe you had/have guardian angels guiding you. We all do if we allow!!

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Wowie! There have been many twists of fate in our lives, but none as dramatic as yours and Paul's encounter with the nitroglycerine. I think the willingness to see things that happen to us with open hearts and new eyes makes all the difference. At least that's been my experience. Thank you also for sharing of your family and the struggles you underwent, especially after losing your mom.

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What an amazing incredible story, fate definitely had other plans for both of you !! How scary !!

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Wow! What a great story! I am so glad you were careful and cautious as had you not been, I would never have met you both! Fate? Grace? Absolutely! I am not a religious person either but I am pretty sure there has been some planning going on by some Being with far greater powers and reason than I will ever fully comprehend! And for that planning I am grateful because it allowed us to become friends!❤️

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I have long believed in fate… and grace, which clearly played a role here. A gripping story and well written.

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Wow. What an incredible story! It was like a mystery novel unfolding in real life. Glad it all ended well for you and Paul.

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Well, you certainly have experienced some amazing things and never cease to amaze as you draw us in to your escapades. Wow!

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What a story! Someone/thing was definitely watching over you

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You and Paul never cease to amaze me. What a great story. I'm glad things turned out like they did.

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