Appreciate your kind and gentle approach to sharing what many of us are feeling and not invulnerable to. Stay well and continue to connect with us.

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Thank you for your kind words. Wishing you well!

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Beautifully worded, Carol. Proximity has changed your level of concern, but I appreciate your pointing out that this is a concern for us all — regardless of the continent we live on. Our world is smaller today.

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Excellent post Carol, really does make you stop and think !!! Stay safe my friends 😊

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Well said Carol on all angles! We watch everyday now and are in tears watching the people of Ukraine fleeing their homes and wonder also how would we feel. All we can do is pray this does not escalate . Stay safe

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Thanks for reminding us the way of life and freedoms we so easily take for granted!! It is horrific to watch what is happening in Ukraine and all these people wanted was their own country and freedom from Russia.

Take care.

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Well said. Hope a lot of people read your post!

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Excellent post, Carol!

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We stand with you and the people of Ukraine. Having lived our lives in a democracy, it is difficult to comprehend this reprehensible attack on decent and innocent people. The selfish and barbaric motivations of one man only show the world the hideous cruelty of his regime. As well, we salute Portugal in their support and aid to Ukraine during this horrific series of events. There are kind and good people the world over. We continue to believe in that power of light and love to carry us all through. Bless you and Paul. Keep safe and well.

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