Apr 1, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Oh wow. I feel like we bought something here and it died (Denmark)...now I want to investigate further.

On the recycling note, I will say Copenhagen, at least, has these cool centers in the communes where you take stuff like the heater you mentioned, and leave it. Kind of the Danish Buy Nothing, but much more "luck of the moment". Perhaps they feel the cost of the repair is worth the space it doesn't take in a landfill...

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

I loved this story. it reminds me of when I grew up with my dad (from Portugal)who would repair or attempt to repair anything, and if he could not, one of his buddies would be consulted. was it the times we lived in back then? was it him being from Portugal growing up knowing the value of a dollar? Nothing got thrown away unless there was no repairing it. and even then, he would save "parts" from it lol. My dad could fix anything. It was a mindset.

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Personally, I think it could be a mindset as even out at the trash bins here in our Portuguese neighborhood, people leave things like old handbags, used suitcases, old sneakers, belts, or furniture. A friend once said she found a perfectly working electric heater beside a trash bucket! I think if an item still might have usefulness to someone, it's hard to just trash it. Not a bad mindset. Maybe more people should think this way. I appreciate your comment! - CW

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Are you planning on getting the handle fixed on the pot. I’m just dying to know 🤭

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That would be a no, my friend...

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Fortunately for me if I ever move to anywhere in Europe, I prefer tea!

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox


This fascinated me as well as provided me great amusement! Since I LOVE coffee, I would need to keep at least one spare coffee maker on hand! But I might have to investigate the slightly more elaborate coffee makers that grind the beans and offer several brew options. My simple $40 Mr. Coffee drip brewer has been with me for several years at this point and I remain ever grateful for its faithful service to me, especially in the early mornings!

Best wishes with your future coffee makers! That warranty program is quite interesting!

Happy Spring to you and Paul!


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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Thanks for sharing. I bought my coffee machine from Continente, it was not turning on out of box, when I returned it, they gave me a new one. I also had a duvet from Zara Home, in first wash the button came off, I casually mentioned it to them because I was there same day, she said to bring and get a new one. :-)

Btw, where did you buy your car?


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Armin - I guess you were lucky that you didn't have to wait for a repair on your coffee maker! I'm guessing that it was because you returned it within a few days and it never worked to begin with. As far as our car, if you want to send me an email, I'll be happy to provide the details to you: https://www.ourportugaljourney.com/publish/post/97047674?back=%2Fpublish%2Fsettings%23Pages - CW

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

This was an entertaining and instructive post. I hope it’s ok if I share this on Facebook because it could ease some in-store tensions for those new to Portugal, or who simply forget the rules. Thanks for writing this up, particularly since it was an inexpensive learning experience where emotions didn’t run hot.

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Jeff - I'm glad that you liked the post! Feel free to share it if you think it will help others. - CW

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