Dec 31, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Carol, the information that you're providing without expectations is so valuable and beyond the benefit that you know to be true. While others are charging for common knowledge you and Paul have become beacons of humanity and I thank you for this.

This process is filled with unfamiliar processes with sequence of events that could be benign or filled with moments that can turn a decent day into misery. Happy New Year and may you be blessed with the same warmth and caring as you provide. Kudos!

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Steve - Thanks for your kind comment - I am humbled by it! Paul and I both wish you a Happy New Year! - CW

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

We are very happy with Paul's recovery. We wish him the best and expect him to be back to being 100% normal, very soon! Also, it must have been very hard on you Carol during these tough times. You are a tough & resilient person!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Glad Paul is doing better and thank you for sharing about Serenity Portugal. Sounds like a fantastic service!

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I never used an osteopath before and I didn’t know they were available. At least here in Porto.

My father and late husband were doctors so that is probably the reason, but it’s good to know it worked better than traditional medicine.

Great that it worked with Paul and that he is relieved and getting better.

Medicine is good and reliable in Portugal. Medical schools are very strict and only for the best students. Of course, like in everything you can have a not so good experience.

Congratulations on your posts. They are interesting and useful.

Hope Paul continues to get better.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

I am so very happy that Paul's condition has vastly improved. I can't begin to imagine how difficult it was for him. Are you able to now travel as you had hoped? When you first mentioned trying the osteopath route, I was curious and not sure it would work, as I had never heard about them (I thought they would be mainly for arthritis and such). It's good to know now that they are an option/alternative to chiropractic.

It is great to have a system such as Serenity Portugal - I am going to do some research to see if they have a similar one in Spain. We will be there in a month or two!

BTW, do you think that the ear infection/disease was an off shoot of COVID?

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Maggie - Thank you for your comment! Osteopathy is very effective for many health reasons. When my mother couldn't get a diagnosis or relief for her condition - even with consulting with top specialists in Boston - it was an osteopath who was able to correctly diagnose her as systemic scleroderma and helped to relieve her discomfort. This was many decades ago but something I never forgot.

Serenity is a Portuguese company but hopefully, you can find something similar in Spain – or perhaps they’ll expand their services to other countries.

Although the ENT said that Paul’s condition is not a result of his having Covid, Paul disagrees with that. Because he had such intense coughing, we both feel that it’s entirely possible that he dislodged those ‘crystals’ in the inner ear. It does seem coincidental.

The osteopath has strongly recommended that Paul not travel by air for a while. So, we will miss his mother’s memorial service scheduled for this coming weekend.

Excited for your plans to be in Spain (although we’ll miss you here in Portugal). But we hope as ‘neighbors’ we can visit! Thanks again for your support! - CW

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Carol, thank you for being so willing to share these details. Your costs for these visits seem extremely reasonable to me. I just saw a cardiologist/specialist and my visit was over $500. Our deductible is $450 and I haven't met all of that yet, so I am guessing I'll be paying $400ish, best case scenario. I know the US system quite well, but I would use Serenity here were it available! If we make the jump to Portugal, we would definitely sign up for it. Thank you again for your informative & so helpful blog.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Thank you for sharing your story and in such great detail. More importantly, it's wonderful news that Paul is feeling better and on the mend. It's nice to hear you had a great experience with Serenity. I found them in 2021 when I was planning a trip to Portugal with my terminally ill husband. Serenity made arrangements for us during our stay in the event my husband needed medical attention. They also managed our US legal documents and made everything legal in PT and arranged for caregiving, too. They really go above and beyond and are worth every euro!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Wow... what a scary experience! We had a friend who used to suffer bouts of vertigo and it is truly nightmarish stuff. I'm so glad Paul has gotten some relief and hopefully things will continue so be steady (no pun intended...obvs. :)

Navigating a new healthcare system is overwhelming even without major medical issues to solve. I can only imagine how hard it was for you guys in this situation. The only thing that would have improved Paul's treatment is if the doctors here made house calls so he didn't have to travel at all, but, thankfully, it worked out.

Here's hoping all the bad stuff is behind you and you can get back to enjoying life in Portugal.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Paul’s beautiful smile says it all, along with your terrific words! What a Portugal Journey ;) 🥰

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Glad to hear that Paul is feeling better and that you were able to navigate the health care system. Thanks also for the Serenity reference. We will check it out. I,too, deal with occasional vertigo. Not sure what triggers it (other than the crystals in the inner ear getting “out of wack” as my doctor described). It’s a horrible experience! After the first episode my doctor used the Epley Maneuver on me and then prescribed physical therapy, which was a continuation of the Epley twice weekly for several weeks. She also prescribed that my husband learn (via YouTube videos) to do the Epley, which he has had to do several times since that initial episode.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Oh my! I am so glad to know Paul is feeling so much better! But it must have been a bit frightening for you both! As ALWAYS, your information is wonderful and detailed and so helpful and informative. It is good to know about Serenity and sounds like a very smart and beneficial service to have. I hope Paul continues to be well and that you both are free from any health issues for a good long time! Best wishes!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

The best news is that Paul is well. You are both well! Your explanation is terrific and much appreciated. It's easy for those of us who have been here for years and years to forget the first experiences with Healthcare, making your article all the more essential. Great report on Serenity, which is relatively new and could have made our lives easier in those early years. Best wishes and yes, we all like seeing that Paul smile.

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Thank you, Susan. I appreciate your comment! - CW

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Carol, as always you do such a nice job explaining how things work. Mike and I are looking forward to our next adventure now that Paul is in the "pink".

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Thanks for the comment, Mary. And thanks to you and Mike for being such supportive friends this past summer - both Paul and I appreciate it. Looking forward to drinking more Papa Figos with you two! - CW

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Thanks for sharing your experience—glad Paul is feeling better. We also have had excellent and responsive care with the private system and our insurance, and it gives us great peace of mind from both a care and a cost standpoint. Hope Paul continues to be well! Cheers, David

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Hi Carol, so glad Paul is better! Instructive to hear your saga. Serenity sounds like a must-have. Just curious, if you feel like sharing, what did all this cost?? Especially the out-of-pocket chiropractor. Thanks in advance for any info !

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Marcia - Thanks for your comment. Our private health insurance out-of-pocket co-pays were 12 euros each time. If we did not have the insurance, the consultations would have cost around 24 euros each and the hearing test around 75 euros. The osteopath (not a chiropractor) was completely out-of-pocket at 80 euros for the first visit and 70 euros for subsequent visits. Serenity is an excellent service, especially for folks new to Portugal or those who do not want to have to try to navigate the healthcare system on their own. It makes it easy for us to find appointments with health care professionals and we always have someone who we can speak to if we have questions or concerns. - CW

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Carol A. Wilcox

Thank you for writing.

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